Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another day in Paradise, I think

Had our weekly morning meeting where we say good-byes to those leaving. It is always exciting to hear where people came from and what they take back from this experience.
Almost everyone relates how God really did amazing things in their lives while here and some express that going home means school, work and even have no homes to go back to.
Amazing who God calls to YWAM and Mission Builders.

I finished my electrical work today and helped assemble bunk beds for the 600 plus young people coming in 2 weeks. Also did some painting, which I really don't like, but whatever is needed.

 It really gets hectic around here (everyone says) because with no students here, there will be limited evening meals. That's ok, because Mission Builders step in and pick up the slack by working earlier hours, and getting off earlier. Don't think this will affect me or Peggy since I have a skilled trade and she is now the only person in reception. She was so worried she couldn't do it but I knew she could.
Her supervisor has noticed how she sees things that need to change (and points it out) and they are already implementing some of her suggestions. She is also the "Official" mother for all the young Mission Builders at the request of her supervisor who noticed right away how she cares for all these young people away from families.

Last night was our weekly Mission Builders "Family" night which was a time of praise and worship and sharing. It was truly a blessed evening hearing these young people from 14 nations praying in their languages for their countries and the problems of being Christians in some of these countries. We have it so good in America and we squander our opportunities right and left that other countries don't enjoy. Then we had a delicious apple/walnut cake made by our Brazilian friend who lives in our building. Next week we are having a "Formal" (wear your best shorts and sandals) dessert night at a really nice place overlooking the ocean. Hope to post some good pictures.
                                     Our sunrise devotions, what an awesome sight
 Flags at half staff for 9-11
 Our sweet apartment kids who left today
                                        Mission Builders going home

Our young couple who shared the 2nd floor with us have left to return home, although they have no home and are newly weds. They left us little notes in the freezer and gifts on our door, so sweet and so funny at the same time. You would have to see all the little toy army men around our apartment to realize how much fun it is to be here.

Tonight is our weekly Wal-Mart run for all Mission Builders and then on Saturday we are all going to see the volcanoes and the Volcano National Park. They are so good here to run mini tours for all the Mission Builders at prices hundreds of dollars below the commercial tours. We are blessed.

Peggy and I got approved to be van drivers so now we will help with rotations on driving the vans. It sure helps the 2 staff people who are here since vans have to run many times for work and meals all through the day as well as airport shuttles for incoming and departing workers.

Well, I will close for now. I will share what I told Peggy today. If you want to work, work, work just volunteer for Mission Builders. If you want to play, play, play take a vacation...whew!!

Ken and Peggy

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